Environmental Monitoring
Aquaparian has extensive experience in writing Environmental Protection Plans and Management Plans to avoid or mitigate environmental damage during construction.
Our registered professional biologists also have extensive experience in construction monitoring from small stream crossing projects to large scale hydro, pipeline infrastructure and marine projects requiring monitoring of sediment inputs, turbidity upwelling, spill prevention, and the potential for adverse effects to fish, birds, terrestrial wildlife and marine mammals.
Construction Monitoring
We have a range of scientific equipment and experience to provide water quality sampling, underwater acoustic monitoring, sediment sampling and visual observations to meet your construction project’s needs, whether on land or water.
Environmental project management
Production of project specific Environmental Management Plans (EMPs)
Underwater acoustic monitoring during in-water works such as pile driving and blasting
Landscape restoration monitoring
Marine habitat compensation monitoring
Water and sediment quality monitoring
Post construction compliance monitoring
Aquaparian Provides Professional Environmental Consulting Services Across British Columbia